tisdag 27 mars 2012

The China way....

Or no way.
It´s hard to get use to the chinese culture. I´m not shore I ever will.
Everything takes time and it´s allways complicate.
But one thing I enjoy very much is that now, with an housekeeper "Ayi, I´ve got plenty of time to spend with my boys. I can sit down and play with them and don´t botter about normal things like cooking, cleaning and stuff.;))
I´ll fall asleep any second now so...bye, bye!

torsdag 22 mars 2012


I don´t know how to begin writing today....It´s so much I want to say.
Anyway, we arrived to China Monday the 19th of March. The boys managed the flight very well and sleept nearly 7 hours. We stayed in a hotel the first three days and while Jonas where working, me and the kids joined the kidz club ( a small playground inside the hotel) and jumped in the pool. We had a great time but it´s tough to live on a small area with no own toys for the kids.

This is outside our house!

We live in Evian Valley, Nanjing. I will show you the inside when it´s ready...;). I think we´ll have to go to IKEA several times before that.
We went there yesterday and bougt some things. I felt VERY swedish when entering IKEA.
It looked like home....

I knew it would be some language problems but, I didn´t realize that the people here like to complicate every thing they do. For exemple...
We wanted to deliver some things that we bought and went to the "Delivery desk". It took a half an hour to write the address down and then Jonas had to go to another desk to get a receipt and then go back to the first desk and check something else....

Everyhing takes time and nothing is simple....

Bye from now....

måndag 12 mars 2012

Toothless and stomach flu

On his 6th birthday he felt a loose tooth and a week later he lost it...He was so happy! And off course the tooth fairy came to visit at night...The day after he lost the first one, he felt a new loose tooth so now we just wait....

This weekend I haven't packed. I´ve been busy to clean up after this little man....No fun at all! But I think I did a great job and felt very satisfied with my achievement! Hugo did a great job too! His big responsibility was to keep Douglas away from the "goodies" on the floor while I put Gustav in the shower!
Today it´s back to normal and I have did some packing....
On Wednesday Jonas is joining us again for helping out with packing and move things to the rentalstore.
Can´t believe that we´re moving on sunday....

See U!!!