torsdag 22 december 2011

God Jul och Gott nytt År!

Tänkte bara testa att lägga in en bild i bloggen. Det var ju inte så svårt!
Detta är en bild från Beijing när vi var där 2005 i maj. 
Kommer inte riktigt ihåg var detta var någonstans men vi blev uppklädda och så tog de kort och tog betalt.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hello, I just read much of your blog (thanks to Google translate). We are also moving to Nanjing with our two children soon (probably February). Like you, I think we will be in Evian Valley and my daughter will go to Nanjing International School. My daughter is only 3 and my son is 1.5. How old are your boys? Perhaps we will meet in Nanjing soon. We will be bringing our two dogs, so if you miss yours too much, you may borrow one of ours! Best of luck on your move!

  2. Hey Katrin!
    I´m so glad to here from you and just realized that from now on I will write my blog in english :)).
    Where you from?
    My oldest boy will turn 6 in february and the youngest will be 3 in april.
    I would love to meet you in Nanjing! And i really, REALLY will miss my dog so YES...I will borrow yours..;))

    Good Luck with your move too!
