söndag 1 april 2012

Time flies

Time really flies here in China!
We have now lived in this house for 1 1/2 week and it feels so much longer. We take small steps to build a home. Yesterday we went to a flower market and bought flowers for the hole house. What a different it makes!
Next week we´ll get the curtains. Hopefully then we all sleep a little bit longer than half past 5 in the mornings....
I´m glad we have IKEA in Nanjing! Yesterday was the fifth time we were there and it was certainly not the last :). It feels like my second home....

This weekend Jonas employed took us out for dinner in a typical Nanjing restaurant. There were over 30 pieces of dishes to try. Some were almost edible (my opinion) and some I couldn`t even look at...
Jonas tried an egg...a special egg...half egg and half chicken...Yaurk!
The kids thought the birdhead were funny...

Today we´ll go to supermarket and buy bikes for the boys.
See U soon!

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